Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Age of AI

The age of AI is finally upon us, and it's happening rapidly. Everyday jobs are being replaced quickly with technology, and artificial intelligence is all around us wether we realize it or not. The "age of AI" documentary from frontline PBS shows us just how advanced these technologies are, and what the future of AI truly will look like.

Within the first ten minutes of the documentary, a game similar to chess was played between human and AI. After a few rounds, the human was left with only one victory compared to the four wins of AI. This was a big moment for artificial intelligence, because "It's not that robots have beat humans, it's that one intelligence has surpassed another". This quote really stood out to me because we are now comparing humans so closely to a machine. 

With AI taking over many to all aspects of our daily lives, privacy has become little to none. Phones, surveillance cameras, radios and more are listening and learning at all times. Our phones are programmed to constantly listen to what we say for personalized ads. This is a huge breach of privacy. Though it may seem invasive, it can be helpful and efficient for us at times. In this day and age almost everything we need or want is at a click of a button, and with AI working at all hours to make sure you are seeing the ads you want to see, shopping has never been easier! 

The age of AI is upon us, and there is nothing we can do to stop it now. Technologies will continue to grow and advance, while humans will continue to blindly use them. 

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