Sunday, January 22, 2023

Online privacy and digital footprint

We all know social media to be a fun and carefree place to express ourselves and connect with others. But have you ever taken the time to really stop and think that what you are posting could be incredibly harmful to you later? Mindlessly accepting terms and conditions, digital footprint, and having non private accounts are all things that could be much more harmful to us than we realize. Darieth Chisolm is an Emmy- winning television personality, entrepreneur and international speaker. She made a remarkable speech on Ted talk about how what we think is private and intimate between the people we love on social media is not as private as you think. Darieth had just gotten off work when she got the text that very intimate and explicit photos of her had been leaked by an ex partner onto a website for everyone to see. She was humiliated, sad, and terrified for what this could lead her to. Though her ex husband shared these explicit photos, the bigger issue was not being able to get them removed. Darieth went through months and months of humiliation before these photos were finally taken down and her ex husband was brought to justice. Anything and everything we post online is permanent, whether we think it is or not. Having privacy in this day and age is becoming more and more rare due to the accessibility of information of people through social media. In my own life, privacy is very important to me. I am always very mindful of the things I say, post, and send on social media. This leads to the question of what can we do? We must take advantage of saying no more often. Don’t ever put private information online, even when you feel that it is a safe and trusted source. Read through terms and conditions. Social media companies purposefully make these long and small to read with the intent of people quickly skipping through this stage. Stop and read, it could save your future.

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