Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Anti War

 After doing some research and looking at a few political websites I can confidently say they all have one thing in common. They all want war. But why could this be? It's all about power. In the midst of a violent and cruel war, the government has power over the falling country and is able to collect large amounts of money. Antiwar voices are always casted away because the government doesn't want this side to be heard. It’s all about power and control, and when the topic of anti war surfaces, it's shut down. If you take a closer look at the and website, you can tell that the information is not laid out neatly or nicely. It seems like the publisher was urgent to get this information out in any way that they could. Headlines are close together, and lots of information in various places are placed all over this website. It's overwhelming to look at, and confirms one thing. The fact that I had never seen this information before, and there was a reason for it. The government only shows us one side of things, and boosts topics that we “should” hear. This isn't fair. There shouldn't be punishment or hidden information simply because we have another opinion. If we don't have unbiased opinions and truthful information about both sides of an argument… is this country really free?

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