Sunday, February 26, 2023

Reaction to EOTO: Gatekeeping

 Gatekeeping is often known as restricting information and controlling access to something. Gatekeeping can also be closely related to censorship which is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information.

Gatekeeping is an issue in today's society due to how it can affect what information we receive and the distorted narrative behind it. Not only does gatekeeping distort information, it shifts the attention from important news stories we should be focusing on, to lesser important quick news stories designed to grab your attention. An example of this would be influencer drama posted every day on snapchat news stories, or tiktok. These “news stories” are simply space fillers and attention grabbers to shift our attention from real and important issues the media doesn't want us to see. 

The best way we can combat gatekeeping is to make sure we always fact check news sources, and hear all sides of a story to fully understand the subject. The media loves to be in control of what we see and think about things, so we must combat the way the media controls our information for the betterment of our society. 

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